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PD_maistomatas 2050

Last year we initiated and implemented the Maistomatas 2050 project supported by the Lithuanian Culture Council. In order to get to know the well-being of a person with diabetes, together with doctor Rūta Navardauskaitė, anthropologists and artists in various fields - designers, directors, dancers, scenographers - we carefully looked at everyday situations, interpreted them creatively, looking for parallels between diabetics and non-diabetics. Our interest and work in the topic of nutrition has also made it possible in this project to turn food into a means by which we seek to unlock the complex understanding of the chronic state of the body. Everything that is common and very everyday: food, eating, shopping habits, daily scenarios - the feelings and actions associated with it are typical of people, both those with health problems and those who do not complain about anything. Everyday life, and especially the nutritional experience that constantly accompanies us in it, is a connection through which we can achieve a deeper understanding of each other, which is necessary for cooperation and co-creation. During the project, we discovered conditions that are common companions of diabetics and their environment - thirst, “seize this day”, fatigue and guilt. We also analyzed them creatively.
To continue our work, we are looking for like-minded people with whom we can deepen and fill our observations. We believe that only by focusing more and developing non-standard tools can we provide the right response to the exponentially growing diabetes pandemic.

The virtual archive of experiments are posted maistomatas.performativedesignagency.com

The idea of a national diabetes camp starts here - join us.

Pakeitę požiūrį į cukrinį diabetą galėtume sumažinti sergančiųjų skaičių | Respublika - Rūta Latinytė